FUTURE MONEY TECH is a fintech conference for the builders and engineers.
On May 31st in Belgrade we will be organizing the first fintech conference in Belgrade (Startit Center).
This event will introduce you to the fascinating (r)evolution that is taking place in the world of finance and money, which is being transformed in real time by technology and trends such as cryptocurrencies.
The content of the conference will provide you with key insights relating to how technology and money interact in today’s world, and get you on your way to create new solutions and innovate in this rapidly evolving and critical area of business and human activity.
The conference is co-organized by Startit and Tradecore, is meant for builders and engineers, with attendance being free of charge — registration is necessary.
This is not a type of thing for people who want to buy or mine Bitcoin or get-rich-quick.
This is a conference for makers and engineers, who want to learn more about the revolution in the way money is created, controlled and distributed, and participate in it.
In this introductory session we will provide context for the day. We’ll go through the history of money and generally the way we create, store and transfer value in society, with an emphasis of how technology is increasingly shaping finance since the advent of the computer age up until today.
Presented by Stefan Pajković.
Bitcoin’s scarcity, the underlying driver of money’s store of value property is guaranteed by (1) the irreversibility of a cryptographic hash function and (2) the distributed state of the system. We’ll go once more through what that actually means and repeat the mechanics of proof-of-work (Nakamoto consensus) which lies in the heart of it. Then we’ll take a birds-eye view of conventional deposit money (bankmoney) and ask ourselves: “Is there at least something good about it?”
Presented by Danilo Backović.
In this session we will walk through online payment flows and all the moving pieces of the process. We’ll start with several standard flows of processing fiat currencies, such as cards and alternative payment methods, and contrast it against some popular crypto implementations, in an effort to clarify the extent of differences between the two.
Presented by Milan Stanojević.
Crypto exchanges are emerging as some of the biggest winners of the cryptocurrency boom. In this lecture we will touch on essential building blocks of centralized crypto exchange, regulations, payment processing and liquidity management. We will also share tools and services that may help you rocket-launch your exchange business.
Presented by Ilija Mirosavić.
In this session we will do a live coding demo of creating of a basic cryptocurrency, in order to demonstrate in practice many of the concepts behind the crypto movement.
Presented by Nikola Vlahović.
Crypto currency mining explained from engineers perspective. How Miners validate transactions and contribute to ecosystem. What types of transaction validations exist and what hardware is used to mine different types of cryptocoins followed by show and tell of current popular mining rig setup.
Presented by Mihajlo Lazarević.
This session will focus on the eye of the crypto storm — the notorious ICO. We will do a deep dive on what it takes to do one mostly from a technical, but also business and marketing sides, from the people who’ve done it.
Presented by Ivan Bjelajac.
So, what does it all mean? How will technology shape how the society conceives, regulates, transfers, spends, pays… In the years and decades to come, and how to ride the wave and create on top of it?
Presented by Stefan Pajković.
Attendance is free of charge, however registration is necessary — if you have any questions, write to [email protected].