Marija Laganin

I have been working in the ICT sector for nine years. During that time I have been a public relations advisor for the Minister, and chief of the Press service in the Ministry for telecommunications and information society. Together with the team in the ministry, I initiated a number of public campaigns: Click safely, Digital school, Girl’s in ICT day, Witnet that included extensive activities on international, national and municipal levels. Click safely campaign eventually became a part of the INSAFE project devised and implemented by the European Commission. In cooperation with the PR team of UN, I coordinated PR activities for commissioner of the UN Commission for Broadband and digital development in printed, electronic and social media. I organized UN conferences in Geneva and New York whose participants were chiefs of UN agencies. I also dedicated time to supporting humanitarian causes such as Special Olympics of Serbia and Refugees Aid Miksalište. I participated in creating the communication strategy and promotion of the Campaign #TogetherToVictory for Special Olympics of Serbia where my role was to raise public awareness about intellectually disabled persons, to make them visible, present and active in every segment of social life. While at Refugee Aid Miksalište I worked with another sensitive group, refugees from the Middle East. This was the first time that I was in charge of creating the communication strategy that was targeting not only Serbian public but the public worldwide. I have integrated approach to public relations and extensive hands-on experience in crisis communication. Dedication, responsibility, teamwork and innovativeness are my personal values which are the foundation that I built my career on thus far.

Prvi meetup posvećen virtuelnoj realnosti u Startit Centru Valjevo

Meetup će se održati 6. avgusta u Startit Centru Valjevo.

Seminar Civilizovanje u Startit Centru Valjevo — učenje istorije i računarstva kroz igricu Civilizacija

Seminar Civilizovanje održava se u Startit Centru Valjevo od 1. do 14. jula.

Kako kreirati lični brending na internetu — meetup u Startit Centru Valjevo

Meetup će se održati u četvrtak 29. jula u 19 časova u Startit Centru Valjevo.

Art vs. Internet meetup ovog četvrtka u Startit Centru Valjevo


Meetup će se održati 22. juna u 19 časova u Startit Centru Valjevo.

Uvod u web programiranje — Meetup u Startit Centru Valjevo

Događaj će se održati u četvrtak 15. juna u 19 časova.

Kako napraviti dobru fotografiju i prodati je na internetu — Meetup u Startit Centru Valjevo

Meetup će se održati 8. juna u Startit Centru Valjevo.

Drugi po redu besplatan kurs programiranja za decu u Startit Centru Valjevo

Kurs će se održati od 8. do 10. juna u valjevskom Startit Centru.

Kako napraviti video igru — Prvi gaming meetup u Startit Centru Valjevo

U Startit Centru Valjevo će se u četvrtak 1. juna u 19 časova održati gaming meetup.

Prvi Data Science meetup u valjevskom Startit Centru

Meetup će se održati 24. maja u 18č u Startit Centru Valjevo.

Treći meetup u Startit Centru Valjevo — Primena informacionih tehnologija u obrazovanju

Događaj će se održati u četvrtak, 18. maja u valjevskom Startit Centru, sa početkom u 18 časova.