IT Industrija

🔥 Najčitanije
🔥 Najčitanije
Četvrtak 24. oktobar, SCNS. Prisustvo je besplatno, morate se samo prijaviti putem forme na dnu teksta i upisati na spisak gostiju na ulazu.
U četvrtak 24. oktobra od 18 časova u novosadskom Startit Centru organizujemo okupljanje koje za cilj ima da informiše sve tehnološke preduzetnike o tome kakve prilike nam pruža sve brži razvoj generativne veštačke inteligencije.
Program će sadržati razgovor sa Nenadom Božićem, inženjerom i osnivačem firme SmartCat, gde ćemo pored osvrta na njegovu karijeru i preduzetnički put, u okviru kog se relativno rano usredsredio na primenu AI-a, usmeriti pažnju na osvetljavanje nove paradigme u kojoj se svi mi preduzetnici sada nalazimo, hteli to ili ne.
– kako je bilo baviti se AI-jem pre trenutne pomame, i kako je sad
– kakve vrste startapa se trebaju praviti tako da bude manja šansa da ih pojedu OpenAI i ostatak IT divova
– gde u ovom kontekstu jeste, može i treba biti mesto Novog Sada
Razgovor će voditi Vukašin Stojkov, uz poziv publici da učestvuje a ukoliko želite da nam se pridružite potrebno je da se prijavite putem obrasca ispod.
*Ovaj događaj je omogućen zahvaljujući podršci američkog naroda preko Američke agencije za međunarodni razvoj (USAID). Za sadržaj ovog događaja odgovoran je Startit i ne odražava nužno stavove USAID-a ili Vlade Sjedinjenih Država.
On Thursday, October 24th, at 6 PM, we are organizing a meetup at the Startit Center Novi Sad aimed at informing all tech entrepreneurs about the opportunities presented by the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence.
The program will feature a conversation with Nenad Božić, an engineer and founder of the company SmartCat. In addition to reflecting on his career and entrepreneurial journey, during which he focused on AI applications relatively early on, we will also highlight the new paradigm in which all of us entrepreneurs now find ourselves, whether we like it or not.
– what it was like to work with AI before the current craze, and how it is now
– what kinds of startups should be built to minimize the chances of being overtaken by OpenAI and other tech giants
– where Novi Sad fits, can fit, and should fit in this context
The conversation will be moderated by Vukašin Stojkov, with an invitation for the audience to participate. If you would like to join us, please register via the form below.
*This event was made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this event are the responsibility of Startit and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
Objavio/la članak.
ponedeljak, 14. Oktobar, 2024.